Monday, September 29, 2008

"...a roller coaster, baby baby"

Yes, I am like a walking roller coaster. I can't seem to be able to stay at a constant. It's either up or down. Right now it's up and I'm ok with it coming down a little bit and leveling off. In fact, that would be great. I don't know what it is but I think I'm going to be able to level this out and just roll with it. I feel good today, refreshed, energized. Good.

Mr. Joe has the NASTIEST sore. Labs get these "hot spots" due to allergies and what have you. Mr. Joe's don't come up all that often, but when they do they are disgusting. It's OK though, just keeping Neosporin on it.

In other news, I am headed to Huntsville Thursday to build a fence with Dad. The one we have now is not high enough to contain our English Setter, Ben, who will pretty much jump anything he can. He's an idiot dog, but I suppose we want to keep him around.

That's all for now.

My name is Samantha Lewis and I'm leveling out.

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