Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life Update

So, I've recently decided that I'm not nearly as intelligent as I have often wanted to give myself credit for. I cannot think on the same level as many of the people who I hang out with. I do not retain information well, I can't even talk football on their level. In fact, I can't really participate in any of their conversations. This is a major blow to my social life since I'm referring to nearly all of my Oxford friends. I like to think that once I get a masters degree I will be able to play the game but I'm still not sure. This, however, brings me to doubt whether or not I can bring people the "word" every week if I don't REALLY know how to discuss it on the next level. I know that seminary is going to help me grow exponentially but I'm just not certain that it will be enough. I'm not sure that I'm capable of that. I haven't given up hope or anything but it has certainly brought up questions. I don't want to be a sudo-intellectual. I don't want to just fake it. Perhaps I need to just stick to watching TV and reading easy, insignificant novels.

My name is Samantha Lewis and I am not very intelligent.

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