Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I feel like I should give an introduction before I start any real blog entries. The purpose of this blog, in addition to serving as a journal, is to keep those who are interested updated on my life and to have a space to discuss some things that are on my mind. I am 22 years old and am currently on a 2 month road trip visiting family. I hope to become a minister in the United Methodist Church and am currently pursuing the candidacy process in order to do so. I have a 10 year old Labrador Retriever named Mr. Joe who is my sidekick in all that I do. I hope to soon own a motorcycle with a side car for Mr. Joe. I graduated from Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama this past May and it is, in my opinion, one of the greatest institutions for higher education available. I am blessed with many wonderful freinds and a supportive family.

My name is Samantha Lewis and this is my Blog.

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